
NH Foods


For the front teeth part, if you cut a carrot into a stick and insert it in there, the capybara will be lovely.

Cooking Instructions

  1. Diagonally cut the center of a sausage into the head part (A), the body part (C), and the ear part (B).
  2. Make a V shape in the cut-off part of the body part (C) to make feet.
  3. Insert sesame seeds on both sides of the head part (A) and make a 5 mm cut as shown by the dotted line.
  4. Attach the head part (A) and body part (C) with a pasta stick.
  5. Cut the ear part (B) into a T shape to make ears.
  6. Insert the ear part (B) into the head part (A), cut a carrot into a stick and insert in the mouth or the front teeth.
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